24th September 2022 – We got to see the Cristofori Full Concert Grand Piano CG275 in action at the Our Tampines Hub Festive Arts Theatre under the expert hands of Singaporean Pianist and Composer Churen Li in one of her Classical Music Adventures, Encounters with Chopin.

In this series, Churen seeks to bring Classical Music to the young audience through performances, discussion, games and interactive learning. Churen spoke about each of the pieces played in the program to educate the audience on Chopin’s life and different works. The stage setup featured the grand piano framed by kinetic sculptures by art director Phoebe Zoe Ho & team that used shapes, flowing lines, different colors and textures to depict the movement and flow of Chopin’s music.


Her playing paired perfectly with the resonant sound of the Cristofori CG275. This piano is Made in Korea by Young Chang – who are among the largest and most automated of the world’s piano manufacturers. The Cristofori CG275 features all top-quality materials and craftsmanship including solid spruce soundboards.


Singaporean pianist Churen Li seeks innovative and personal approaches to concert programming, combining diverse genres with improvisatory and experimental practices. Churen attained her Bachelor’s Degree from the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (National University of Singapore), where she graduated aged 19 as the youngest of her cohort. She attained her two Masters Degrees (in music and in philosophy, respectively) from Yale University and Cambridge University. Churen is currently an Artist Fellow at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. Her past teachers include Albert Tiu, Bernard Lanskey, Paul Liang, Peter Frankl and Hung-Kuan Chen. 

Catch more of the Cristofori CG275 in action @ Our Tampines Hub:

17 December 2022

Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Schumann

Festive Arts Theatre, Our Tampines Hub, Singapore

25 March 2023

Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Ravel

Festive Arts Theatre, Our Tampines Hub, Singapore


Click the link below to watch the full video:
