Cristofori is bringing Joy and Music to Singapore this Holiday Season with the Joyful Xmas Melodies Ukulele Program!

Everyone had so much fun last weekend when the Joyful Xmas Melodies program kicked off at Hillion Mall, Buangkok Square, and Punggol Oasis as kids aged 5-12 years old got to be like Santa’s elves DIY-ing and painting their own ukuleles, and learned to play some beloved Christmas Songs with Santa, and sang and played along to “Feliz Navidad” and “Jingle Bells”.

At the end of the program, all of the participants went home with their brand new DIY ukuleles, and FREE MR Bean Vouchers!

Family fun at the Cristofori Joyful Christmas Melodies Ukulele Program

You can still catch the Joyful Christmas Melodies programs until 17th December! Simply approach any of our friendly Cristofori Staff at any outlet to enquire for the remaining sessions.  Program Fees are $50 per pax, with a special price of $30 just for Cristofori Students – Register NOW!