Kickstart Your Child's Success in Music with a Strong & Firm Foundation

Cited as the No. 1 Children’s Music School by Singapore parents

Why Is Age 3.5 - 5 The Perfect Age to Discover Your Child's Musical Potential?

It's because this is the Golden Opportunity to open up their talents:

Toddlers start with baby steps

They’re soothed by music and helps develop their senses

2-3 years old build interest in music

They shake, move and enjoy music to build muscle coordination

3-6 years old start their musical foundation

They’re at their height of curiosity to learn music and musical instruments

Why Is I CAN PLAY The Best Start For Your Child's Music Journey?

Over the years, CRISTOFORI has emerged as the leading music school in Singapore with over 200,000 customers and over a million music students.

I CAN PLAY is CRISTOFORI’s iconic program that has been refined continously over 40 years – and it’s the perfect first step for your child to experience the joy of music!

Strong Academic Grounding With Expert Instruction

CRISTOFORI’s piano teachers are certified instructors while our syllabus is developed by a professional panel of music educators and industry specialists

A Structural Approach To Music Lessons While Being Fun & Rewarding

I CAN PLAY guides beginners to progress from bare basics to the next level with structure – all without losing the fun and rewarding experience that keeps 3-5 year olds eager for more

The Only Institution In Singapore With Tailor-Made Instruments For 3-5 Years Old

CRISTOFORI uses pianos with weighted keys to encourage every child’s practice on actual pianos, versus other schools using normal everyday keyboards that are disruptive to future learning

Gain Both Musical & Valuable Social Skills

Apart from excellent foundational music skills and knowledge, your chilld gets a good exposure to make lifelong friends with our group lesson format, keeping them engaged all the time

Learn The Smart Way with Interactive Lessons Books & Downloadable Audio Tracks

Modern musical teaching methodology meets modern technology. Motivate your child to learn and practice with downloadable songs in lesson books and library piano music to foster interest and persistence


Why Piano As Your Child's First Instrument?

Piano lays the strongest foundation for rhythm and theory. Here’s all you need to know about CRISTOFORI’s I CAN PLAY course:

Course duration of 1 year, with 44 lessons in 4 terms
Each term will have 11 lessons, and 1 lesson is 60 minutes
Your child will have the opportunity to perform on graduation day
Conveniently available at 10 outlets throughout Singapore

Amplify Your Child's Potential With These I CAN PLAY Add-Ons

Music Adventure Camp (4-hour session every quarter) to explore other instruments such as ukulele, guitar, Cajon and violin
Receive a complimentary piano with higher-tier packages to practice at home with Bluetooth integration for your child to practice and play along with the backing track
I Can Play is currently under 10 outlets available

What Can Your Child Learn With I CAN PLAY?

Quickly Play Songs on the Piano

In as fast as the first lesson or two, we can spark a unique interest and excitement in music a hands-on approach

Reading & Understanding of Basic Music Elements

From notation to rhythms, tempo to beat, get started on the right foot

Musical Instrument Exploration

Get familiarised with fundamentals of other musical instruments such as ukulele, drum and violin.

Exploring Different Sounds And Their Relationships

Open their musicall minds through varieties of percussion instruments

Singing Songs & Rhymes

Practice their rythmic and melodic abilities and patterns

Gain Knowledge In Music History & Appreciation

A wide variety of musical subjects giving students broad exposure to the world of music

Enrol Your Child To A Brighter Musical Future

Learn more about I CAN PLAY, benefits, features, packages and fees with an instant brochure.