Cristofori Musicale 2022 at the Festive Arts Theatre @ Our Tampines Hub
2022 marks the first year that Cristofori is able to finally prepare something GRAND for our year-end Musicale concert. The annual Musicale Concert and Cristofori Start Students Awards has been a long standing tradition for Cristofori Music School as a way to show our appreciation for the efforts of our dear students.
Over the past 2 years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and numerous restrictions to gatherings and performances, our previous Musicale celebrations were majorly scaled back and limited to a simple awarding ceremony. Now in 2022, emerging into a new state of normal, we are finally given the opportunity to slowly return to our grand celebration.
This year’s theme is “ Journey Through Time 穿越时空之旅 ” – calling to us to envision a journey from past to future, having stood together to emerge stronger after a Global Pandemic, we recall memories of playing music together, and appreciate the time we have together; we recall predecessors, and at the same time, look toward a future where we can return to a state of togetherness.
COVID-19 had taken away opportunities to gather our students together, but this year, we take back our way of life and stand in hopefulness, to realise our vision to overcome this pandemic and stand together for a brighter future, to continue to build our heritage and legacy of music, passion, life and to bring music to every heart and home.
The Musicale Concert 2022 will be held on Friday, the 2nd of December at the Festive Arts Theatre at Our Tampines Hub. The program highlights will feature collaborative performances by our Cristofori Music School students and teachers, and the much anticipated Start Student Awards recognising the efforts and hard work of students as nominated by their teachers.
About the venue
Our Tampines Hub (OTH) is Singapore’s largest integrated community and lifestyle hub, with 12 government stakeholders under one roof, providing a wide range of community, sports, cultural and lifestyle facilities, one of which is a state-of-the-art theatre and cinema – the Festive Arts Theatre.
With 400 seats, 4K digital technology and Dolby 7.1 Surround sound system, the Festive Arts Theatre @ Our Tampines Hub is an ideal for musical and theatrical performances, and even town hall speeches and gatherings with the latest audio-visual equipment available. Many spellbinding performances have already been held here to great success, and this year’s Cristofori Musicale is sure to be one of them!
About the piano Cristofori CG275
As of March 2022, Cristofori has shown our full support for this community hub by supplying the Festive Arts Theatre with a Cristofori Full Concert Grand Piano CG275.
This piano is Made in Korea by Young Chang – who are among the largest and most automated of the world’s piano manufacturers. The Cristofori CG275 features all top-quality materials and craftsmanship including solid spruce soundboards.
The CRISTOFORI C275 Full Concert Grand piano is worth SGD96,300.
The first classical pianist to inaugurate the CRISTOFORi Concert grand on the 25th June 2022 is Singaporean pianist Li Churen who presented the first ever in person musical event since the Pandemic to an overwhelming crowd. The event was also live streamed and is available to watch here: Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Beethoven
Look out for these upcoming events by Li Churen at Festive Arts Theatre:
24 September 2022
Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Chopin
Our Tampines Hub, Singapore
With art director Phoebe Zoe Ho
17 December 2022
Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Schumann
Festived Arts Theatre, Our Tampines Hub, Singapore
25 March 2023
Classical Music Adventures: Encounters with Ravel
Festive Arts Theatre, Our Tampines Hub, Singapore
The design also features an evenness of tone throughout the entire range including the transition from bass to tenor sections. All grands have all maple action parts and double coated cold pressed hammer felt for superior tonal quality. This piano is sure to bring out the best in our Students’ and Teachers’ performances at the Musicale!
Auditions for the Musicale 2022 Performers are on via Video Submission until 11th September 2022.